Become a member
From 100 SEK/10$/10€
The membership fee for this year is 100 SEK/10$/10€. It is optional to pay a larger amount to support our work. The more paying members to our association, the greater the opportunity we get to seek financial support for the camp activities - which is our biggest priority.
Swish or Plusgiro
Join us and support us. Pay 100 SEK/10$/10€ or more to Plusgiro 80 50 88-2 or swish to number 123 130 75 86.
Bank in Sweden: NORDEA
IBAN: SE59 9500 0099 6034 0805 0882
Write name & email
Write your first name, last name and email address in the message field when you pay - regardless of the payment method.
As a member, you don't miss a thing
As a member, you receive information about upcoming summer camps and other activities via email.
When you become a member, you agree to our GDPR policy. Read more about GDPR.