Registration form

It’s great that you want to take part in Gay Camp this summer, July 18 to 25, 2016.

Please fill out the form below!

    First name*


    Date of birth*

    E-mail address*



    Zip Code*


    Telephone Number*

    Notification regarding any allergy or special dietary. Please be specific with severe/life-threatening allergy!

    GayCamp experience*

    Language for my base group
    I can participate in a group that speaks - mark one or both!

    Photos taken during the camp
    I do not want to be in:
    Public picturesPrivate pictures

    Please tell us if you approve of us sending out your contact details to the remaining members after this year's camp*
    I approveI do not want to share my contact details

    Please let us know if you snore and we will try to put you in a room with others that also snore.I do snoreI do not snore

    I have read the page 'Camp in brief' and understand how the camp works and what is expected of me as a participant.Read Camp in brief here!

    I agree to my personal data being saved by GayCamp in accordance with GDPR.Read more about GDPR here!

    I agree to follow the rules set by GayCamp and those of the campsite hosting the camp during the week. I will attend and take part in base group meetings, lecture from doctor about STI’s and safer-sex seminars. I will also arrive at agreed upon times and respecting the privacy and contributions of the individuals presenting and other campers participating in these discussions/activities.

    I am a male identified individual that primarily engages in sexual and/or romantic relationships with other male identified individuals.
